
发布日期:2024-10-06 03:21浏览次数:

本文摘要:Apples supposed self-driving electric car efforts may be real -- and far enough along for testing, according to a new report from the Guardian.根据《卫报》的近期报导,苹果公司设想的无人驾驶电动汽车计划很有可能已沦为现实——起码也已转入了测试阶段。

Apples supposed self-driving electric car efforts may be real -- and far enough along for testing, according to a new report from the Guardian.根据《卫报》的近期报导,苹果公司设想的无人驾驶电动汽车计划很有可能已沦为现实——起码也已转入了测试阶段。The publication, citing documents it obtained under a public records act request, said Apple has met with officials from the GoMentum Station, a large former Navy weapons station near San Francisco that is being changed into a high-security testing area for self-driving cars. GoMentum says its 5,000-acre facility, which features 20 miles of paved roadway, is the largest secure test facility in the world and will become the center of connected vehicle applications and autonomous vehicles technologies -- something that could appeal to a secretive company like Apple. Honda uses the facility to test automated driving technologies.该报称之为,其在合乎公共记录法案的前提下取得了一份文件,根据文件表明,苹果公司早已和GoMentum基地的官员有过认识,GoMentum基地是旧金山附近一个大型的前海军武器基地,现在于是以渐渐被改建沦为一个安全系数很高的无人驾驶汽车测试基地。GoMentum方面称之为,这里有5000英亩的场地,其中有20英里的铺成道路,是全世界仅次于的安全性测试基地,将沦为相关联的车辆应用程序和无人驾驶汽车技术的中心,而这毫无疑问更有到了像苹果这样期望展开秘密测试的公司。

本田汽车公司也用于这个场地测试无人驾驶汽车技术。Frank Fearon, an Apple engineer, wrote to GoMentum that We would... like to get an understanding of timing and availability for the space, and how we would need to coordinate around other parties who would be using [it], according to the publication. In another email from a GoMentum official to Fearon, the official delayed a tour of the facility but said, We would still like to meet in order to keep everything moving and to meet your testing schedule.该报还称之为,苹果公司的一位工程师Frank Fearon曾致函GoMentum:“我们期望具体理解此基地的时间决定和可用于性,以及我们如何与其它正在用于它的机构展开协商。”而在另外一封GoMentum官员寄给Fearon的邮件中,GoMentum官员将基地的一个参观活动推迟,并回应:“我们更为期望碰头(达成协议合作)以确保一切(测试活动)顺利进行并且符合你们的测试日程安排。

”Apple declined to comment.苹果公司未回应新闻作出对此。The Guardian didnt publish the documents cited in the report, and its unclear whether Apple directly said its building a self-driving electric car. The company could be interested in the facility for other purposes, such as testing out car technologies in a more real-to-life environment instead of in a lab. And theres no guarantee that Apple will release an electric self-driving car even if its currently researching the technology.《卫报》未刊出报导中被提到的那份文件,因此无法确认苹果公司否显然曾说道过其在研制无人驾驶电动汽车。它也有可能是为其它的目的而回应基地感兴趣,譬如为了在一个更为合乎现实生活的环境里测试汽车技术,而不是仍然在实验室里。并且,即使苹果现在需要超过那样的技术水平,也无法确保它不会确实公布无人驾驶电动汽车。

Autonomous car technology has become a big focus for companies such as Google and Uber, and speculation about Apples self-driving car plans have been swirling for months. The program is believed to be codenamed Titan and involve hundreds of engineers. The company has hired people from the automotive industry, including battery experts. In February, A123 Systems, an electric-car battery maker, sued Apple for poaching its employees, saying the company lured away workers to develop a large-scale battery division to compete in the very same field as A123. The two companies reached a settlement in May.无人驾驶汽车技术早已沦为了谷歌、Uber等很多公司注目的焦点,而关于苹果无人驾驶汽车计划的猜测已烘烤数月。据传这个项目的代号是泰坦(Titan),并且汇聚了上百名工程师。

苹果雇用了很多来自汽车生产行业的人,其中还包括电池方面的专家。二月份,A123 Systems——一个电动汽车电池制造商——起诉苹果挤到它的员工,诱使其员工发展“一个大规模电池部门去与A123在同一领域竞争”。

两家公司已于五月份达成协议处置协议。Apple has tasked employees in an anonymous office building in Sunnyvale, Calif., about four miles from the companys Cupertino headquarters, with developing automotive technologies, the Guardian said. The company leased the building in 2014, the Guardian said, citing documents, and modified the facility to include labs and workshop spaces, as well as tighter security features.据《卫报》所说,苹果已将该项目的员工分派到了加利福尼亚州森尼维尔市“一个无名的办公建筑里”,距离坐落于库比蒂诺的苹果总部约有四英里,在这里,无人驾驶汽车技术正在研制中。

《卫报》称之为,根据那份文件表明的内容,苹果公司在2014年买下这幢建筑,并渐渐在内部铺了实验室、研讨室和更加森严的安全性设施。Apple, the second-biggest smartphone maker in the world, has worked to expand its technologies to many different sectors and become the center of peoples lives. That already has included cars, even if the company hasnt created a full-blown automobile. An update to its iOS mobile software in March 2014 incorporated CarPlay -- a way for the iPhone to power a touch screen on a new cars dashboard. And Jeff Williams, Apples head of operations, in May called the car the ultimate mobile device.苹果作为世界第二大手机制造商,早已致力于将它的技术扩展到许多有所不同的领域并占有人们生活的中心。这些领域中就还包括汽车行业——尽管苹果公司还并未生产出有一台几乎成熟期的汽车。2014年3月iOS移动软件的一项改版包括了CarPlay—— 一种用iPhone去操纵新车仪表盘上的接触式屏幕的方式。

苹果运营总监Jeff Williams曾在五月份称之为汽车是“终极的可移动设备”。Marc Newsom, a designer who has worked with Apple in the past, told The Wall Street Journal earlier this week that his design pet-peeve is the automotive industry. There were moments when cars somehow encapsulated everything that was good about progress, he said. But right now were at the bottom of a trough.Marc Newsom是一位曾在苹果工作多年的设计师,就在这周他告诉他华尔街日报的记者他在设计中最无法承受的就是汽车生产行业,他说道,“曾多次有一段时间汽车包括了人类变革中产生的一切好的事物,但现在于是以处在低谷期。



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